Other interests: Campus ministry, and volunteering at a local non-profit
How/why did you choose your major? In high school, I took AP Human Geography, and it was by far the most interesting class I have ever taken. I loved learning about political geography and cultural anthropology. I decided to study International Studies and Spanish in the hopes of broadening my horizons and learning a new way of thinking by committing myself to being bilingual.
What is your relationship with your coaches like? John and Sharon Bracken are my Zenie Foundation coaches. Having the opportunity to meet with them in the Spring of my senior year of high school was a blessing because it was at around that time where my school counselors started to focus on the students in the grade below me to help them get ready for the college process. John and Sharon showed up at that perfect time to help me discern which college would be best for me and my family holistically, without ignoring the reality of how expensive college is today.
What is something you love about your school? I love that my school is a Jesuit school, committing itself to cura personalis--care of the whole student--and a rich liberal arts curriculum. I also love how committed St. Joes's is to forming communities that support students. I am involved in campus ministry where I have the opportunity to do weekly service and be around students who have similar interests as me.
What hobbies/extracurriculars do you have? I am involved with a non-profit called Simon's Heart, located in the Philadelphia, PA area. For Simon's Heart, I volunteer as an ambassador to support their mission of protecting hearts and saving lives through fundraising, raising awareness for Sudden Cardiac Arrest, providing free heart screenings to youth, and lobbying for Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Acts in local communities. I got involved with Simon's Heart after getting diagnosed with a rare heart condition when I was about five years old. I love giving back to an organization that supports heart health in kids that are seemingly healthy but can have undetected underlying conditions.
Tell us about some of your career aspirations. A career aspiration of mine would be to work in intelligence or National Security communities. I hope that my background with the study of Spanish and international politics gives me the knowledge to be an asset to either a governmental or a non-governmental organization.