Zenie Foundation values leading a life of continuous learning and self-development. ZF students are passionately self-motivated and work hard in pursuit of their visions; reflect, learn and adjust as needed. Careers may change, but these core values are a vital to becoming effective adults.
Win/Win Interviewing Action Guide (Zenie Foundation)
Interviewing is your gateway to opportunity. Win/Win interviewing helps you find and get the internships and jobs best for you.
Go For It (Zenie Foundation)
We sure are facing uncertain and challenging times. Here’s a real story of a young adult, with a background similar to many of you; building her skills, discovering her career vision, mobilizing her energy and values, accepting the risks and Going For It.
Career Strategy Guide (CSG) (Zenie Foundation)
As a result of listening to our alumni, we put together a guide to help launch your career and life of learning. CSG demonstrates how values are a vital part of successful careers. We measure effective careers by value and reaching individual potential, not wealth. Effective careers enable effective adults who, in turn, become our values-based leaders. The CSG is available to all for download.
Street Smart Entrepreneuring (Frank Zenie)
Real life approach to building an innovative, customer-centric business. SSE develops the unifying role of vision and culture to build a committed team serving customers, employees, investors and vendors. Effective adults building an effective business.
LinkedIn Account Tips (Zenie Foundation)
Maximize your LinkedIn presence with these key tips: build a professional profile, customize your URL, and showcase your skills and experience. Engage with industry groups, follow companies, and connect with peers and mentors to expand your network and opportunities.
Interviewing is your gateway to opportunity. Win/Win interviewing helps you find and get the internships and jobs best for you.
Go For It (Zenie Foundation)
We sure are facing uncertain and challenging times. Here’s a real story of a young adult, with a background similar to many of you; building her skills, discovering her career vision, mobilizing her energy and values, accepting the risks and Going For It.
Career Strategy Guide (CSG) (Zenie Foundation)
As a result of listening to our alumni, we put together a guide to help launch your career and life of learning. CSG demonstrates how values are a vital part of successful careers. We measure effective careers by value and reaching individual potential, not wealth. Effective careers enable effective adults who, in turn, become our values-based leaders. The CSG is available to all for download.
Street Smart Entrepreneuring (Frank Zenie)
Real life approach to building an innovative, customer-centric business. SSE develops the unifying role of vision and culture to build a committed team serving customers, employees, investors and vendors. Effective adults building an effective business.
LinkedIn Account Tips (Zenie Foundation)
Maximize your LinkedIn presence with these key tips: build a professional profile, customize your URL, and showcase your skills and experience. Engage with industry groups, follow companies, and connect with peers and mentors to expand your network and opportunities.