Money & Finance
The Zenie Foundation believes effective adults possess core values, self-awareness, a commitment to learning and financial responsibility. We define financial responsibility as being financially self-sufficient and adopting responsible lifestyles consistent with financial means. Here are not only useful tools we have created to assist, but also other recommended sources to review.
College Affordability Toolkit (Zenie Foundation)
The result of listening to our students over the years and putting together an exercise to help you make smart, informed decisions about your future. This tool should not be used exclusively in your decision making, nor does it provide any financial advice. The Toolkit is designed to provide a snapshot of your financial situation and the potential impact of your college and career choices. It allows you to test a variety of scenarios and "estimate" the impact. We recommend you save various scenarios to compare. Please note: best displayed on laptop or desktop computer. This workbook is currently available as an Excel document.
How To Save Money in College: 9 Ways To Reduce Your Costs (Newsweek)**NEW**
The most impactful way to save money in college is by reducing tuition and housing costs, such as attending an in-state, public school and considering off-campus living. Additionally, utilizing financial aid, scholarships, student discounts, and part-time work can help further reduce expenses.Here are nine tips for saving money as a college student.
Tuition Break Program (New England Board of HIgher Education)
Residents of the six New England states can get significant tuition breaks when they enroll at out-of-state public colleges and universities within New England and pursue approved programs.
State Financial Aid Programs (NASFAA)
Almost every state education agency has at least one grant or scholarship available to residents, and many have a long list of student aid programs. Select your state to find out what financial aid programs may be available to you through your state education agency.
Sticker shock: A look at the complicated world of tuition pricing (HigherEd Dive)**NEW**
Despite focus on high sticker prices the growing trend of discounting has hit record levels, creating confusion for students.
Student Loan and Salary Calculator (FAME, Finance Authority of Maine)
Take a look at what your estimated salary could be by profession and calculate how many years may be needed to repay a loan. These are important steps to best plan your future.
Student Loan Repayment Calendar (Nerd Wallet)
Free Tuition at a Bronx Medical School (New York Times)
A longtime professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is making free tuition available to all students going forward.
Free Tuition for "Most" students at Johns Hopkins Medical School (Bloomberg)
Most students pursuing medical degrees at Johns Hopkins University will receive free tuition, thanks to a $1 billion gift from businessman Michael Bloomberg's philanthropic organization.
Federal Loan Repayment Plan ( For the latest on the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan, a federal government loan repayment plan.
10+ Student Loan Forgiveness Programs That Discharge Loans (Anna Helhoski, Nerd Wallet, 8.24.22)
To ensure you are making the best loan options, consider these ways that you could qualify for loan forgiveness.