Why did you pick your college major? How did that help lead (or not) to where you are now? When I started college, my plan was to pursue a career in medicine. I initially chose to major in biology, but after a few classes, I realized it was not the ideal fit for me. Consequently, I switched to biochemistry, which offered a balance between biology and chemistry that I preferred. To my surprise, I discovered that a biochemistry major covered most of the pre-med requirements. Now, I hold a B.A. in Biochemistry, which has helped me fulfill the academic prerequisites for medical school.
What impact/influence did ZF have on your academic career? Your professional career?As a senior in high school, I wanted to attend college away from home, but the only thing that stood in my way was the finances. I had spent many years in Maine, surrounded by the same environment, individuals, and mindset. It was important for me to be exposed to a new environment with fresh perspectives, providing me with the opportunity to grow. In retrospect, I am glad to have attended Wheaton, as it has helped me become a better person by exposing me to novel situations and introducing me to individuals with diverse perspectives. Most importantly, I am grateful to the Zenie Foundation for making this experience possible. What drew you to ZF? Why did you choose to apply? I was asked to apply by my high school during a pilot year with ZF. At first, I was attracted to the financial advice that ZF offers, as I was my parents' first child going to college.
What is a misconception that you had as a student about your career and the professional world?As a student, I thought that the path towards my career would be a linear one. First, I would attend college. After completing my degree, I would attend medical school. Then, I would complete my residency and start working as a physician. In reality, my path has been filled with many unexpected turns. Although it was initially hard to stomach the reality of it all, I have learned to embrace the curve balls that life throws at us. I have learned that this is my own path, and I will move at my own pace. What piece of advice would you give to your college/high school self? I would leave my college self with two quotes, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." and "Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value."
Tell us about a time you made yourself proud. One random morning I decided to run a 10k without any prior training. I could not picture myself being able to run the distance, but mile by mile, I kept moving, having a constant mental battle between stopping and continuing to run. I was able to complete the run without stopping. It was truly an amazing feeling to see what my body is capable of doing.
What hobbies/interests do you have outside of work? Tell us about them! Why are they your passions and how did you get involved? Working out has been a great way for me to stay active and remain grounded. As I enter the gym, any worries or problems I might have had on my mind temporarily fade away, and all that remains is me and the weights before me. I have recently gotten into reading, which has been a great way to relax. I enjoy reading psychological thrillers and anything that can get me thinking. Moreover, I enjoy running. Running is great for my cardiovascular health, but it is also a great way to mentally challenge myself which I like.