Favorite Quote: "Work to live, don't live to work."
Why did you pick your college major? How did that help (or not) lead you to where you are now? Having hands-on experience through internships and jobs with children helped me decide my passion in the education sector.
How have your career aspirations changed over the years? Originally I thought that I wanted to work in a general education classroom as a teacher. While I still feel passionate about teaching, I am interested in research surrounding the education sector.
What drew you to ZF? Why did you choose to apply? I really appreciated how the community was such a huge part of ZF. I was able to work with my coach, as well as others that I networked with, to help me navigate my way through college finances and career decision making.
What services and/or resources were most helpful to you? (This can be at ZF, at your school, or somewhere else!) I think that having a coach who understands the process of going through college and trying to navigate finances and scholarships has been really fundamental to my success in higher education.
What piece(s) of advice would you give to your college/high school self? In terms of career choice, there are way more opportunities and options than you are even aware of, and it's okay to change your mind about what you want to do. It's even okay to know what your passion is, but not know exactly how you want to engage in that passion.
Do you have a favorite quote or saying? "Work to live, don't live to work." While it is honorable to be passionate about your career and want to integrate it into various aspects of your life, for me, I find it helpful to remind myself that my work does not have to be my whole life. I can enjoy spending time with family and friends, doing hobbies, or trying new things.