Other interests: Basketball, weight lifting, meditation, & drawing
What is your relationship like with your ZF Coach? Ken has taught me a new sense of responsibility. A very important memory I have is one time I forgot a meeting time with Ken and he gave me a reality check. He explained that as someone who hires people for a living, he would have stopped talking to me at that moment. He taught me responsibility at a higher level than I had previously known.
Tell us about some of your career aspirations. I want to be a physician’s assistant.
What hobbies/extracurriculars do you have? I play basketball daily because that is my favorite sport and it keeps me in shape. I lift as well to improve my body and work on my mental health. I draw and meditate to clear my mind and to keep a level head.
Why did you apply to ZF/what drew you to this organization? The Zenie Foundation looked like a family, not just an organization. At this point in my life, I'm in uncharted waters because no one in my family has made it this far here in America, so having a support system that knows what they are doing and is committed to helping out is huge.
Tell us something you are excited about! I am excited to start a new chapter in my life, going to Curry College.
Tell us about a time you made yourself proud. I windmill dunked after telling myself I would do it before 18.
Who is a role model for you? I look up to my mom because she works hard no matter what the condition/situation is. All she does is for me to succeed. I look to her not as someone that I would like to aspire to be but to be better than her in all aspects.
Do you have a favorite quote? “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson